Pet Therapy Improving the Lives of Our Residents
July 25, 2023
Who doesn't love holding baby animals in their arms? The residents at Veranda Gardens were overwhelmed with the animal friends from the Dream to Reality Farm that came to visit! Pet therapy helps people cope with health and emotional issues and makes them feel good. This is also true in encouraging recovery time. It can reduce blood pressure, stress, alleviate pain, and release a calming effect, improving someone's overall psychological state.

Dream to Reality Farm brought the love and snuggles of their baby goats to our facility. It was love at first sight! Baby goats are a lot like human babies; they like to be held. Our residents forgot about all their worries during the visit. Cuddling these goats provided a sense of serenity and brought a whole lot of smiles!
Goats have a calm demeanor, similar to a meditative state, that's oddly relaxing to be around. They're also very funny and happy animals so they make you laugh as well. Goats are highly social animals and sensitive to human facial expressions, so goats like it when you smile at them! Their emotional perception is thought to be enhanced by their domestication. Their intelligence even rivals that of dogs. Consider that before adopting your next dog!
Thank you to Dream to Reality Farm for the special visit. Our residents look forward to your return!
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